May 13, 2022
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #105: Interview with Tom Campbell, creator of "Tom's Park: A Virtual Imaginality™ Game." Donna talks with Tom Campbell, physicist and author of the My Big T.O.E. trilogy, about his game that he developed to help people use their imagination to access non-physical reality systems. For...
May 11, 2022
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #104 - Donna talking with Nathan
Rehm about our experiences in "Tom's Park."
Tom Campbell, author of My Big T.O.E., developed
"Tom's Park, a Virtual Imaginality™ game."
"The Tom’s Park experience is one of initially using imagination to
transform your mindscape into an extremely...
May 9, 2022
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #103: Intro to "Tom's Park: A Virtual Imaginality™ Game." Donna talks about what this "book/game" is, what you do there, and more. Tom Campbell, physicist and author of the My Big T.O.E. trilogy developed this game to help people use their imagination to access non-physical reality...