Sep 11, 2020
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #38 - We have our first "healer" on the Podcast. Pat Longo is a healer from Long Island, New York and has written the book "The Gifts Beneath Your Anxiety." Pat is a down to earth, everyday, "Grandma" who shares stories, insights and life with us today. A wonderful interview for everyone...
Sep 9, 2020
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #37 - Interview with Candace Greene on her life story, her healing and relationship with Pat Longo, her healer, her teacher, and mentor. Candace has been healed by Pat Longo and told she was a medium, and to start classes with Pat. For more information, go to our Companion website:
Sep 7, 2020
Exploring Consciousness Podcast #36 - I introduce this week's Guest, Pat Longo. Pat is a healer from Long Island, New York and has written the book "The Gifts Beneath Your Anxiety: Simple Spiritual Tools to Find Peace, Awaken the Power Within and Heal Your Life.” I had a session with Pat before our interview and...